Mycorrhizal Fungi
for Farm and Garden

Next Chance in 2025


This Masterclass is offered in partnership with Sow True Seed

Fungal Plant Allies

Fungi inhabited planet Earth long before plants. They were the first roots.

Currently over 80% of plant life rely on fungal allies - mycorrhizals - for water and nutrients.

They are essential to all life on earth. Yet, we know very little about their role in our gardens and farms.

This one-day masterclass is a peek into the amazing, underground world where mycelium intertwines with roots in one of nature’s oldest and most intimate collaborations.

What you get

  • Learn how to gather native fungi to increase garden production

  • Learn how to establish edible species in your forest

  • Develop a deeper understanding on the role of fungi in our ecosystems

  • Develop a deeper understanding of soil - fungi - plant relationships

  • Learn some regenerative agriculture principles and practices

  • Get hands-on finding mycorrhizae in the soil

  • Connect with local fungi enthusiasts

Decades of Experience

Chris Parker has been growing various kinds of mushrooms for 30 years. He created the Southeast’s premier resource for mushroom cultivation supplies - Asheville Fungi.

Chris is also deeply experienced in permaculture, organic gardening, regenerative agriculture and herbal medicine. He has gained all this knowledge from his ancestors, local teachers and through his own study.

During this one-day masterclass Chris combines practical demonstrations, hands-on experiential learning, presentations and is available to answer questions about your specific growing situation.

Topics Covered


Types of mycorrhizae and their roles in the ecosystem

We will cover these major categories of fungal allies:

  • Fungus that keeps plants alive

  • Fungus that recycles dead plant matter

  • Fungus for exchange of nutrients

Nutrient accumulation and distribution

Insight into how mycorrhizal fungi mine minerals from the soil and make them available to plants and how they participate in cycling nutrients and water between plants.

Regenerative Agrictultural practices

  • Biochar

  • No / low till

  • Conservation of natural habitats

  • Korean natural farming techniques

Natural History of Fungus

On overview of the crucial role of fungus in creating the surface of planet Earth and creating an environment ready for all other biological life to flourish

Edible mycorrhizae species

Overview of some favorite edible mycorrhizal species including:

  • Boletes

  • Chanterelles

  • Lactarius

  • Morels

Pest and disease resistance for plants

Learn how to maximize this old relationship for beneficial plant growth in your farm or garden.

Fungi as master chemists

How fungi protect and clean our environment. How they recycle matter and minerals and transform waste into food.

Join us for the day on our 30 acre forest farm in the Blue Ridge Mountains

This class is limited to 25 people

Happens only once a year